Planning for an unpredictable future:
5 Key IT trends for 2022 and beyond
Planning for the future can feel overwhelming right now.
Let’s face it – no-one has a crystal ball, so establishing IT plans which are future-proof and fit for purpose can be a challenge. If the last two years have taught us anything, it’s to expect the unexpected, and prepare for curveballs wherever possible.
The pandemic has rapidly accelerated transformation around the ways we work, live and do business – and many see the adoption of new technologies and ways of working as a silver lining.
However, COVID has also resulted in some major disruptions, with 2021 seeing a 400% increase in cyber security breaches, as attackers took advantage of systems which were struggling to keep up.
So how can you plan ahead for 2022 and beyond?
We’ve pulled together the 5 top IT trends to think about when planning your IT needs for the next 12 months, and beyond.
1. Digital Transformations
Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of your business.
SMBs, like many organisations have had to embrace digital transformation over the last 12 months, and we expect that will continue into 2022. It’s an investment sure to pay off, which is why 83% of companies expect to increase their investment in digital technologies in the coming year .
Over the next five years, all growth in traditional IT spending will be driven by four platforms: cloud, mobile, social and big data/analytics – so think about the hardware you’ll need to support this transition.